Learning Catchball


1 on 1 online Japanese lesson

Let's learn Japanese from online certified Japanese teacher!!

Basic Japanese knowledgeYou can learn Japanese from Hiragana level and basic Japanese knowledge/form
N5 level speaking/grammarYou can learn Japanese speaking and grammar at beginner level
N4 level speaking/grammarYou can learn Japanese speaking and grammar at pre-intermediate level
N3 level speaking/grammarYou can learn Japanese speaking and grammar at intermediate level
JLPT test preparationYou can learn Japanese for JLPT test preparation from N1 to N5 level

online Japanese lesson

Lesson fees

Application fee3,000 yen(one time payment)
Lesson fee1 lesson 3,000yen for 60 minutes

Lesson time

Basic Japanese knowledge

1How to read Hiragana and Katakana
2How to make Noun/Kosoa sentence
3How to make Noun/Kosoa sentence
4How to make Verb sentence
5How to make Adjective sentence
6How to make Past sentence
7How to make Question sentence
8Verb group / How to make Te/Jisho form
Basic vocabulary(verb/noun/adjective/pronoun)

N5 level speaking/grammar(beginner)


N4 level speaking/grammar(pre-intermediate)


N3 level speaking/grammar(intermediate)


JLPT test preparation

Learning materials


Basic Japanese knowledge

① to live :I will live in this apartment next month
①important:A friend is more important

N5 level speaking/grammar(beginner)


N4 level speaking/grammar(pre-intermediate)

Learning materials N4

N3 level speaking/grammar(intermediate)

Learning materials N3

JLPT test preparation

Message from Japanese teacher

I am Ayaka, in charge of 1 on 1 online lessons at the Learning Catchball. 一緒に楽しく勉強しましょう! Let's learn Japanese with fun. I am looking forward to seeing you online.

Application for a free trial lesson

Application fee3,000 yen(one time payment)
Lesson fee3,000yen hourly (Learning materials fees are included)

StepⅠ:Application(for free)

StepⅠ:Please apply for a free trial lesson through the application form at the bottom of this page.

StepⅡ:Trial lesson(for free)

StepⅡ:After that,we will forward our zoom ID and PW to you.


StepⅢ:Please decide to sign up for 1 on 1 online lesson or not after the trial lesson. 


StepⅣ:If you decide to sign up for 1 on 1 online lesson, you need to pay tuition to our bank account. Basically you need to pay tuition monthly in advance

Application form

Your area
Email address *
Japanese level
English level

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